Drowsy Emperor Blogs
Follow Alias @Drowsy CEO
Drowsy Emperor Beta founder and CEO Alias Schrodinger keeps you up to date on what is happening at Drowsy Emperor and shares his views on new developments in the industry.
Drowsy Emperor Beta founder and CEO Alias Schrodinger keeps you up to date on what is happening at Drowsy Emperor and shares his views on new developments in the industry.
Follow @NathanielScobie
Our chief author/artist and Art Director Nathaniel Scobie gives you a heads up on his inspirations, thought process and plans for upcoming editions of everything from the Adventures of Constable Khang to Words and Pictures Pioneers.
Our chief author/artist and Art Director Nathaniel Scobie gives you a heads up on his inspirations, thought process and plans for upcoming editions of everything from the Adventures of Constable Khang to Words and Pictures Pioneers.
Follow @BrentMacBride
Welcome to Brent MacBride's blog wherein Brent indulges his passion for all things pulpy and you arrive on the scene, like all good noir characters, carrying your fate with you.
Welcome to Brent MacBride's blog wherein Brent indulges his passion for all things pulpy and you arrive on the scene, like all good noir characters, carrying your fate with you.